Monday, 28 January 2008

Storwood or bust

The East Riding of Yorkshire is a big county. The north eastern boundary follows the river Derwent. All of the rain over the winter so far has flooded the river, but that happens most years. Some of the fields around the river are known as ings which are often flooded each winter. Wheldrake Ings is a national nature reserve which depends on the flooding for the wildfowl that fly in each year. We set out to map some of the villages that run up to the east bank of the river Derwent. East Cottingwith has a farm on the edge of the village that has some of the ings near to it, but the water looked a bit close for comfort to me.

The next village was Storwood. Not a big place, but it did have a deep, vicious pothole that blew our front tyre. Having changed the wheel, we wandered home via Melbourne and Allerthorpe. A good run out, but an expensive one, unless I can persude the council to pay for the tyre.

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