Skidby is a little village nearby. We mapped it fairly soon after we started adding to OSM and some of our techniques were still being refined. So when I looked at the map and realised that the Half Moon pub in Skidby was not were it should be I wasn't too surprised. We only had a short time before daylight faded so we set off to check out speed limits and see if the pub was in the right place.
As we approached the first thing that stood out was how odd the windmill looked without its sails. The mill still mills flour, as a tourist attraction, but it needed major work on its sails so they are off for the winter.
We then drove around this small village, looking for anything missing. We found two post boxes - one where the post office used to be - and a whole church I had missed on the first pass! I also found more benches than you can shake a stick at. If you need a place to sit in a pleasant Yorkshire village, Skidby is it. I've moved the pub to its rightful place.
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