Sunday, 20 September 2009

Such a lovely place

We ventured out on a warm, sunny September afternoon to check bus stops in the Preston Road area of Hull. It is one of the roughest parts of the city, both by reputation and by record. The violent crime record is particularly grim, but on a sunny Sunday all was well. There were plenty of signs about, a few people drinking in the streets, a few youths out with their attack dogs on very short leads, a couple pushing a mini motorbike and an unregistered trail bike along the the street with two toddlers perched on them heading for a local disused railway line and two blokes with a piebald pony on a bit of waste ground, taking turns to ride it bareback using a rope bridle.

We plodded round, photographing everything as we went. It sometimes draws attention but not really much today, except for one point where a young chap followed the line of the upward-pointing camera and stared into the sky beyond the bus stop sign, looking for what we were photographing. I didn't like to point out that it was just a bus stop and we left him looking for UFOs.

We have now checked about 45% of the stops in the city. I'm going to send another batch of updates to the council for their comments.

On the way home we saw a buzzard very close to home. Although they're making a strong comeback in lowland Britain, so they are not especially rare there any more, it's still a pleasure to see one circling overhead.

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