Sunday, 14 October 2012

GeoJSON conversions

Looking some more at converting route relations into GeoJSON it quickly became clear that some options are less useful than others. One thing that causes problems are braids. A braid is where a route splits into two alternate routes. I thought about this in advance and didn't think they would be much of a problem, but I was wrong. If a route is a two-way route where you could travel along it in either direction there are braids more often than I expected. Dual carriageways immediately cause problems as the route would take separate carriageways depending on the direction. Roundabouts with flares similarly have alternate routes depending on direction and a few complex junctions also have alternative routes too. One-way systems in a town also forces different routes to be used. Then there are the genuine alternative routes giving an option such as a picturesque versus quicker route.

My original plan was to try to create a single GeoJSON LineString to represent the whole route. This is clearly not possible as each braid cannot fit into a single LineString and braids are the norm not the exception. Another way is to treat each way in the OSM relation as a separate GeoJSON LineString.

GeoJSON can have a single object in it or multiple objects. Each object can also be a multiple object in itself. A LineString has a single line, a MultiLineString has multiple lines, but, confusingly, a MultiLineString counts as a single object. Each single object is a feature and GeoJSON can hold a collection of features, known as a FeatureCollection. These can be mixed types of points, lines and polygons, though for now I'm only interested in lines. If an object is described as a feature, the feature can also have properties, indeed it must have properties.

I'm going to experiment with the options and see what works.

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