The previous two posts created a map with markers. The marker information was stored in a fixed geojson file. For the few markers that don't change much this is fine, but it would be much more flexible if the markers were in a database. If there are a large number of markers, say thousands, browsers might slow down showing them, even though many might not actually be visible. One way to help with this is to work out which markers would be visible in the current view and only show them. To do this we need to use some features of Leaflet and introduce Ajax. We will also need to store the marker information in a database, write some code to extract it and format it into the geojson format that we know works so well.
Ajax is a means of exchanging data between the client browser and the server without forcing a page reload. I tend to use jQuery to simplify the process of using Ajax and jQuery ensures that the process works on a wide range of browsers. We will request some data from the server with Ajax which can return data in a json format, which works with geojson too.
In the examples so far the files from the server have been simple files, not needing scripting or a database. In my examples I'm using PHP for script and MySQL for the database as this is a very common combination available from many hosts. In the GitHub repository there is a SQL file, plaques.sql, you can use to create a table called plaques in a MySQL database and import the same data that we have seen already.
To extract the data from the database we'll use a PHP script. It needs to receive a request for the bounding box and it will extract that, format the geojson result and return it to the client. The client then can display the markers. If the user scrolls the map or changes the zoom then a new Ajax request will get the markers that are in the new view and display them. This isn't really needed for the seventy or so markers in this example but it is very useful for a large number of markers.
Let's start with the PHP script to extract the data:
// uncomment below to turn error reporting on
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
* ajxplaque.php
* returns plaque points as geojson
// get the server credentials from a shared import file
$idb= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/include/db.php";
include $idb;
if (isset($_GET['bbox'])) {
} else {
// invalid request
$ajxres['msg']='missing bounding box';
// split the bbox into it's parts
// open the database
try {
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$dbname.';charset=utf8', $dbuser, $dbpass);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
// send the PDOException message
//$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM hbtarget WHERE lon>=:left AND lon<=:right AND lat>=:bottom AND lat<=:top ORDER BY targetind");
//$stmt->bindParam(':left', $left, PDO::PARAM_STR);
//$stmt->bindParam(':right', $right, PDO::PARAM_STR);
//$stmt->bindParam(':bottom', $bottom, PDO::PARAM_STR);
//$stmt->bindParam(':top', $top, PDO::PARAM_STR);
try {
$sql="SELECT plaqueid,lat,lon,plaquedesc,colour,imageid FROM plaques WHERE lon>=:left AND lon<=:right AND lat>=:bottom AND lat<=:top";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':left', $left, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':right', $right, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':bottom', $bottom, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(':top', $top, PDO::PARAM_STR);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
print "db error ".$e->getCode()." ".$e->getMessage();
$ajxres=array(); // place to store the geojson result
$features=array(); // array to build up the feature collection
// go through the list adding each one to the array to be returned
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// add the features array to the end of the ajxres array
// tidy up the DB
$db = null;
sendajax($ajxres); // no return from there
function sendajax($ajx) {
// encode the ajx array as json and return it.
$encoded = json_encode($ajx);
This is called ajxplaques.php in the folder ajax on the server, available in the GitHub repository. The script needs a query string with bbox= in it. This defines the west,south,east and north longitude and latitude that bounds the current view of the map. It then queries the database for these items and returns the geojson of these limited markers. If the bounding box (BBOX) is big enough then all the markers will be returned and if the BBOX contains no markers then none are returned and that is fine too. I'm using MySQL and ignoring GIS functions as selecting points is quick and easy. If I was extracting polygons and using a powerful GIS database such as PostrgreSQL with the PostGIS extension then I would consider using a GIS function to find the polygons that intersect the BBOX.
To call the script from the JavaScript (example3.js) I use the ajax functions that are part of jQuery:
function askForPlaques() {
var data='bbox=' + map.getBounds().toBBoxString();
url: 'ajax/ajxplaques.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: showPlaques
This creates the query string by using map.bounds() and formats into the format we need with toBBoxString(). The $.ajax() function uses the query string, requests json (of which geojson is just a special case) and will call the function showPlaques() when the data is returned.
function showPlaques(ajxresponse) {
The showPlaques() function is called when the data is returned from the script. The geojson data is in the ajxresponse. We delete all of the existing markers with clearLayers() and add the new data to the geojson layer. To trigger this process we need to call askForPlaques() every time the view of the map changes. We can ask the map object to trigger an event whenever this occurs. So after the map is displayed we add
map.on('moveend', whenMapMoves);
This calls the function whenMapMoves() when the event is triggered. That function simply calls askForPlaques() to get the correct data for the view.
Two more things have changed. Firstly, when the geojson layer is created no data is added - it is called with null - so the plaques.js is not used at all. When the map is first displayed we need to call askForPlaques() once to get the first set of markers before the map is moved.
Now we have a much more dynamic map, using data from a database and potentially using a part of thousands of markers without overloading the browser.
Interesting work.
ReplyDeleteIs the next step to use marker clustering?
Or is this left as an exercise for the reader ;)
I want to add multiple base & overlay layers, filtering which markers to see, clustering markers (with the markerCluster plug-in) and responding to clicks with other than popups.
ReplyDeleteIf you have other suggestions I'll be pleased to hear them.
Thanks for this mate... I succeeded in getting my Ushahidi-collected kayak locations from DB to leaflet without manually produce a geojson...
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work :-)
Can i connect to the database using or thought javascript? instead of php???
I don't do dotnet, but it can be used instead of PHP. You would need to find someone who knows dotnet to help though.
ReplyDeleteHello, thanks a lot for this article! I have a question, what is the name of the database in your exemple ? When do you pass this name ? Which file? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe database information is loaded in the statement:
ReplyDeleteinclude $idb
Database name, userid and password are imported as variables. You can use your database by hard-coding the details if you want to.
what about .zip with sources? :)
ReplyDeleteThe Github link has zip download as an option.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this. It looks great.
ReplyDeleteI installed from github and can successfully site. Examples run fine but example 3 cannot load points from php. Inspection shows bbox is calculating properly but it simply can't retrieve ../ajax/ajxplaques.php (404 not found). The file names and directories have not changed or moved.
Any idea why the javascript can't locate the php file?
A 404 means the script cannot be found. Is the script present in the directory called ajax in the directory that the example3.htm file is called from? Is PHP installed on your server?
ReplyDeleteI resolved a configuration error. PHP is working fine now but data is still not displaying on map. Only other issue I see is a 404 on network request to get
ReplyDeleteSame issue when I tried on different server. Is this the updated source?:
I'll look into it further when I get time later.
Thanks again
Copy all From Github to server, create DB, create db.php with params : $dbname='name'
$dbpass='pass'. But map is blank
Very helpful code mate. Anyway, I'm getting unexpectec problem placing well known coordenates in USA. It's appear in Antartida??
ReplyDeleteMy table is working fine in another map.
Maybe something about bbox?
Any Idea?
Thanks anyway.
Do you know how to change the coordenates format in your code? Thanks,
ReplyDelete@Joan Pescador:
ReplyDeleteThe usual reason for markers appearing in completely strange places is because the longitude & latitude are the wrong way round.
If you get the geojson returned you can copy it into which will help you check your geojson, including the coordinate order.
If your coordinates are not true lon & lat they can be transformed with proj4js in the browser but I would do that work in the server.
ReplyDeleteWorking with he info in your reply me, I see you place the array for coordinates like this: long[0], lat[1].
I just change the order and works.
Thanks for reply. It is very useful code.
Hi Chris. Sorry for boring yo again. I can't see where is the problem.
ReplyDeleteI get the map working fine without filtering the data table but when include "top, bottom, left, right" filter I get an error with "bbox" data:
{"resp":4,"dberror":0,"msg":"missing bounding box"}.
I can't understand because didn't touch nothing in example3.js.
Any Idea?
Can I ask the bounding box directly from ajxplaques? I guess not but can not imagine what happen.
Can I ask bbox whit the name of js variable "data"?
ReplyDeleteThat error is caused because the AJAX call in your JavaScript did not include the bbox= parameter (or maybe it was mis-spelled).
I highly recommend a javascript debugger such as FireBug in FireFox. That lets you see the AJAX calls that get made and the returned data or any errors.
No way. I can't see any misspelled.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry this is my first js project. Sure i'm missing something very basic.
Do you see something wrong?
....function askForPlaques() {
var data='bbox=' + map.getBounds().toBBoxString();
url: 'ajax/ajxplaques.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: showPlaques
function showPlaques(ajxresponse) {
// map.spin(false);
ajax:'moveend', whenMapMoves);
function whenMapMoves(e) {
function askForPlaques() {
var data='bbox=' + map.getBounds().toBBoxString();
url: 'ajax/ajxplaques.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: showPlaques
function showPlaques(ajxresponse) {
// map.spin(false);
How can I add data attibutes to the icons? I'm trying to have them like this:
ReplyDeletedata-toggle = 'modal';
data-target = '< ? php echo $someID; ?>';
Hello Chris , congratulations on your script .
ReplyDeleteMine is not working . I do not understand why.
I have a database with many records and it is impossible to load them all together .
I want to load and view only the markers in the map I see, Load the marker when I move the map .
How can I do to load data from a mysql database ?
it is important and I can not do it .
Thank you very much for this article. Helps me a lot with my first project. Having all the example code in github to try out with my data and server is priceless.
ReplyDeleteNone of this worked for me due to missing files like the db.php.. missing variable includes like a variable $idb.. I assume this is aimed at experienced programmers.
ReplyDeleteIf you are new to coding like me and looking for complete examples, dont bother with it.
Still can't figure out why guys dont provide the full code when they are showing examples.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteThe missing file cpntains my DB user and password, that's why it's missing.
I would take your critcism more seriously if it was not anonymous. Throwing harsh comments rather than asking questions is a great way to remain a beginner. If you have specific questions please ask and I'll try to answer them.
The line var start = new L.LatLng .... sets the location You need to change the latitude and longitude to the place you want to centre on.
ReplyDeleteI've already changed the code var start = new L.LatLng(10.3157, 123.8854); but it still pointing to this location 53.7610,-0.3529.
ReplyDeleteThen you are not using your code. Use a debug tool to check what your code is really running. All the major browsers have debug, I especially like Firefox and Chrome.
ReplyDeleteThis code does still work, but Leaflet has changed a lot since I wrote this. Make sure you check the latest documentation too.
I don't know what happened but after I clear the cookies of my browser, everything seems to work well now.
ReplyDeletehow can i convert this into code igniter sir?
ReplyDeleteI have no knowledge of code igniter. You are welcome to use the code here to try to work with any framework or library, but I can't help you.
ReplyDeletedo you have a more modern version of this?