Still, we did have a pleasant afternoon in the sun walking along footpaths beside the river Hull that I didn't know existed. It also made me realise that the existing mapping of the lower reaches of the river are not well mapped. Most of it is a single way when it is wide enough to need the riverbank approach. The biggest problem is that there is not any access to both banks of the river for some of its route through the city, especially the widest part. I looked at Landsat images and the out-of-copyright maps and I think I can create a better mapping of it than currently exists.
The Wilberforce way goes past the Wilberforce museum in High Street, but there was no sign of the way. I didn't go into the museum to ask for any information which I now think I should do. We did walk past the Arctic Corsair which is a retired side-winder trawler and now a museum.
It has inspired me to walk along as much of the riverside paths as we can find over the next few weeks, which will allow me to add the paths of course but also draw the river much more accurately, but I've given up on the WW in Hull.