While we were in Hull today we took a look at the new History Centre. It's not open yet, not until the new year but it looks impressive from the outside. All of the city's paper archives are going to be stored here, a few from when the city was first awarded its charter in 1299 when it changed its name from Wyke upon Hull to King's Town upon Hull. The city is very low lying, with some of the city centre below high water mark. According to my OS map for the city they have chosen the highest part of the city centre to build this museum, it lies about 4 metres above mean sea level. The normal spring tide range in the marina is 6.4m so this doesn't seem very safe to me with only 80cm to spare. It was previously housed in the Central Library only 350m away, so it's no worse off. I expect that the curators took flooding into account.
Years ago I did some work with a warehousing company in the Netherlands. During due diligence we wanted to know about flood risk in such a low lying country and when we discovered that their whole site was eight metres above sea level, they were so proud of it that they put a brass plaque up in their reception to that effect.

We have been checking a few bus stops in East Yorkshire recently. One thing I find odd is the idea of a CUS stop. This seems to be a customary stop, where buses might stop. The key thing seems to be that there is no bus stop sign at a CUS stop. We were checking such a stop when a bus rolled up and dropped off a passenger. That confirmed that there was a stop there, but I find this odd. Why have a stop that's deliberately not marked with a sign? No one benefits from this. I just don't get it.
There was a point in the 90s when the bus routes were changed and they decided to go down Lambwath Road in East Hull. There were no bus stops so you could just tell the driver where to stop. I think the driver broke the road up into three parts.
After a couple of years they changed the routes again and Gillsill Road, which runs parallel to Lambwath Road, has bus stops.
Perhaps that is what is happening - no signs up yet.
I thought that maybe the signs had not been put up yet or moved, but it really is a conscious decision to have bus stops with no signs, permanently. These are known as customary stops, hence CUS types.
It still seems an odd thing to do - I must be missing something. Why not advertise the bus stops by putting a sign up unless, of course, you are trying to run down the bus network.
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