We've made a couple of visits to Hedon to finish what we started. The GPS signal got badly canyoned in the Market Place and around the church, but three visits have given us decent averages. The church of St. Augustine is a very large affair, which was a bit difficult to get a decent photo of to do it justice.

Across the north of the town runs an abandoned railway line which is now a rail trail footpath. It has footpath signs (not cycleway signs). My OS map shows the route as a footpath (short green dashes) but also shows it as a offroad cycle route (orange dots). The path that I saw was fairly narrow and very muddy. The route was tagged as a cycleway, but because of the footpath signs I changed it to highway=footway; cycle=yes.
The rest of the town was fairly straightforward. I think there may be a few other bridleways around the place. If no-one else sorts them out I may well return in the summer and have a walk or a ride around them. Thinking about it - I could walk in the beautiful Wolds, wander along the Yorkshire coast or seek out some peace along a quiet part of a river or canal, so why would I walk through a town like Hedon?
Surely you mean bicycle=yes instead of cycle=yes!
Yes I mean bicycle=yes. It's one of life's little mysteries: where do all the taxis go when you want one, how does the snowplough driver get to work, and why is it highway=cyclway and bicycle=yes
Hi Chris - Interested in your Open Maps project. I've commented on the Geograph Project in my Blog about Hedon - but would appreciate it if you could have a look over at http://hedonblog.wordpress.com and perhaps leave a few comments about Open Map?
Ray Duffill
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